Public limited Company

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What is Public limited Company Registration?

A Public Limited Company under Company Act 2013 is a company that has limited liability and offers shares to the general public. It’s stock can be acquired by anyone, either privately through (IPO) initial public offering or via trades on the stock market. A Public Limited Company is strictly regulated and is required to publish its true financial health to its shareholders.

A Public limited Company has more credibility and transparency in business than a private limited company. Public limited Company has high financial exposure to source capital from the Public as Equity or debenture or deposit. A Public limited Company can register with a minimum of three Directors, and Public limited Company always preferred if you have a broad vision from startup to IPO.

A Public limited Company has all the advantages of the Private limited company and the ability to have the unlimited number of members; shares can be quickly sold or and offer more transparency for shareholder lenders, creditors, and bankers.

Minimum Requirement for Public limited Company

Benefits of Public limited Company

Raising capital through public issue of shares:

The most obvious advantage of being a public limited company is the ability to raise share capital, particularly where the company is listed on a recognised exchange. Since it can sell its shares to the public and anyone is able to invest their money, the capital that can be raised is typically much larger than a private limited company.

More attention:

Being listed on a stock market ensures that mutual funds, hedge funds and other traders take note of business of the company. This may result in better business opportunities for the Public Limited Company.

Widening the shareholder base and spreading risk:

Offering shares to the public gives the opportunity to spread the risk of company ownership among a large number of shareholders. This may allow early investors in the company to sell some of their own shares at a profit while still retaining a substantial stake in the company.

Growth and expansion opportunities:

The value of being able to raise finance is in how it can be employed to serve the business. By having more finance potentially more readily available and on better terms than a private company, the public limited company can be in an advantaged position to:

  • i. Pursue new projects, new products or new markets
    ii. Make capital expenditure to support and enhance the business
    iii. Make acquisitions (whether in cash or by offering shares to the shareholders of the target business)
    iv. Fund research and development
    v. Pay off existing debt (or replace existing debt with new debt on better terms)
    vi. Grow organically

Prestigious profile and confidence:

Credibility and confidence are reinforced by:

  • i. Operating under a stricter legal regime than private companies in many areas
  • ii. Higher share capital requirements
  • iii. Greater transparency (for example, in the required form of accounts)
  • iv. For listed companies, the indirect endorsement of having their shares listed on a recognised exchange

Transferability of shares

The shares of a public limited company are more easily transferable than those in the private equivalent, meaning shareholders benefit from liquidity. If shares are quoted on a stock exchange, shareholders and potential shareholders will generally find it easier to transfer shares in the company – although the market still relies on willing purchasers and sellers being available.

Exit Strategy

Going public can enhance the options for the founders to exit the business at some point in the future, if they wish to do so. Both higher transferability of shares and the increased visibility of the business and its performance may increase the chances of bid interest from potential suitors.